4 Hours
Drift Boat

Half Day Float

Conrad's Guide Service offers a thrilling half day fly fishing float trip that is perfect for those seeking an adventure in the great outdoors.


1 Person


2 People

Booking trips with Anthony only requires a $100 down payment beforehand, and the remaining balance is paid on the day of the trip.

Netting a fish on the watauga river while on a guided fishing trip with Conrad's Guide Service

About The Trip

The trip begins early in the morning or after lunch and lasts for approximately four hours, during which time you'll be guided by an expert fishing guide who will help you navigate the river and locate the best fishing spots. The trip takes place on a scenic river, surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery and teeming with a variety of fish species. You'll be provided with all the necessary gear and equipment, including fly rods, reels, and flies. Your experienced guide will offer valuable insights into the river's unique ecology, helping you to identify the different fish species that inhabit the waters and providing tips and tricks to help you hook up on a fish. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a beginner, the expert guidance and personalized attention provided by Conrad's Guide Service will ensure that you have a memorable and successful fishing experience. Overall, Conrad's Guide Service's half day fly fishing float trip is an unforgettable outdoor experience that is perfect for anyone who loves to fish or simply wants to explore the beauty of the natural world. With expert guidance, top-of-the-line equipment, and a commitment to providing exceptional customer service, Conrad's Guide Service is the premier choice for anyone seeking a thrilling and rewarding fly fishing excursion.

1 Person Float - $350 ($100 down payment)

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2 Person Float - $400 ($100 down payment)

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